Posted on July 8, 2020

Appending Braun Trees

Braun trees are excellent for simulating flexible arrays. Braun trees are a purely functional data structure, supporting \(\Theta(n)\) conversions to/from lists, \(\Theta(\log n)\) random read/update, and calculating the number of elements in \(\Theta(\log^2 n)\). If the size of a tree is known, then insertion is \(\Theta(\log n)\).

What about appending Braun trees? For most tree structures, appending trees of sizes \(m\) and \(n\) will be \(\Theta(n\log(m))\). For arrays, the performance is \(\Theta(m+n)\), and for lists, \(\Theta(m)\). Since Braun trees can be converted to/from lists/arrays in \(\Theta(n)\), there is a trivial algorithm to append Braun trees in \(\Theta(m+n)\) by converting the two trees to lists or arrays, appending them, and converting back to a Braun tree.

It is possible to do better! In this blog post, I will present a new algorithm for appending Braun trees, and derive the asymptotic complexity.

I’ll start by defining a type to represent a Braun Tree, and proceed to define a few operations that will be useful later.

data BraunTree a = Leaf | Node a (BraunTree a) (BraunTree a)

Cons-ing to a Braun Tree

We can insert an element at the head of a Braun tree (AKA. ‘cons’) with a simple algorithm. Note that when we Cons to a Braun tree, each of the elements in the tree with position \(i\) will need to end up in position \(i+1\). In a Braun tree, all of the elements with an odd position relative to the root will be in the left branch.

The left branch will become the new right branch; the right branch will move to the new left branch, as will the old root. We cons the root to the old right branch to obtain the new left branch.

cons :: a -> BraunTree a -> BraunTree a
cons x Leaf = Node x Leaf Leaf
cons x (Node v l r) = Node x (cons v r) l

This algorithm is quite clearly \(\Theta(\log n)\).

Getting the Odd- and Even-Indexed Elements of a Braun Tree

These algorithms are nothing new; they are both components of the algorithm used for cons.

odds :: BraunTree a -> BraunTree a
odds Leaf = Leaf
odds (Node _ l _) = l

evens :: BraunTree a -> BraunTree a
evens Leaf = Leaf
evens (Node v _ r) = cons v r

It’s very clear that odds is an \(\Theta(1)\) algorithm, whereas evens is \(\Theta(\log n)\).


Consider the Braun tree that results from appending the Braun trees \(x\) and \(y\), of sizes \(m\) and \(n\) respectively.

If \(m\) is odd, then the even elements of \(y\) will be found in the left of the result, and the odd elements of \(y\) will be found in the right. If \(m\) is even, then the odd elements of \(y\) will be found in the left of the result, and the even elements of \(y\) will be found in the right.

In my implementation, I will assume the function

size :: BraunTree a -> Int

as described in Okasaki’s Three Algorithms on Braun Trees.

This leads us to the following algorithm:

-- `append' m x y` appends `y` to the tree `x` that is known to be of size `m`.
append' :: Int -> BraunTree a -> BraunTree a -> BraunTree a
append' 0 Leaf y = y
appemd' 0 _ _ = undefined
append' _ Leaf _ = undefined
append' _ x Leaf = x
append' m (Node v l r) y =
  if m `mod` 2 == 0 then
    Node v $ append' (m `div` 2) l (odds y) $ append' ((m-1) `div` 2) r (evens y)
    Node v $ append' (m `div` 2) l (evens y) $ append' (m `div` 2) r (odds y)

append :: BraunTree a -> BraunTree a -> BraunTree a
append x = append' (size x) x

———————————-Algorithmic Complexity of append ———————————-

To make this a bit easier to reason about, we will assume that \(m\) and \(n\) are of the forms \(2^a\) and \(2^b\) respectively.

We can represent the recurrence equation for the complexity of append', \(T'(a, b)\) as

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{align*} &T(0,\ \_) =& &1 \\ &T(a,\ 0) =& &1 \\ &T(a,\ 1) =& &a \\ &T(a,\ b) =& &2T(a-1,\ b-1) + a \end{align*} \end{aligned}\]

Let \(c := min(a,\ b)\), then we have that \(T(a,\ b) = 2^c (b+2-c) - (b+2)\).

We can expand \(c\) to write this as

\[\begin{aligned} T(a,\ b) = \begin{cases} 2^{b+1} - 2(b + 1) + a &\ a \ge b\\ (b+2)(2^a-1) - a2^a &\ b \ge a \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]

We can thereby conclude that the complexity of append' is as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{cases} \Theta(\log m + n) &\ m \ge n\\ \Theta(m \log(\frac{n}{m}) + m) &\ n > m \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]

Finally, we can consider that the complexity of append is as for append', but with an additional \(\log^2 m\) to compute \(m\).

Therefore, the complexity of my append algorithm is

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{cases} \Theta(\log^2 m + n) &\ m \ge n\\ \Theta(m \log(\frac{n}{m}) + m) &\ n > m \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]

which is superior to the trivial \(\Theta(m + n)\) algorithm based on conversion to/from lists/arrays.